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That’s why someone said, Taiwan is truly a place full of bitches and male dogs. In addition to the idea of how sneering at Hong Kong by calling it Chi-na, the entire brains the people got in this place have nothing left inside but the thoughts of mating, sex, making love, affair, betrayal, having sex with wifes and husbands of the others, incest, rape, rohypnol and picking up corpses. <br />Once getting leisure, they would be figuring out how to fuck their elder brother’s wife/cousin, bestie of girlfriend/wife, or daughter of friend, granddaughter of friend, mentally handicapped daughter of mentally handicapped believer, mentally handicapped granddaughter. There would even be a female secretary getting fucked by the boss, the doctor fucking a female patient, the female buyers who’s stealing things actively asking for sex from the male staff and giving him a blowjob. <br />The teachers would have sex with their students, while the students are planning to fuck the miss with big boobs. <br />Or their favorite thing to do is filming video when having sex, for easily threatening the ex to have break-up sex several more times after the relationship is done. <br />Taiwan girl gets used to cry on shoulder of her ex after a little fight with her boyfriend, and then get fucked when grumbling. <br />The ex asks her if he could cum inside, the taiwan girl shakes head and says no, but still gets full of cum inside eventually. <br />Therefore, it is a very obsense place.

於 2019年1月25日 (五) 16:57 的修訂



所以咪話,台灣真係一個充滿住bitch同厹既地方,呢個地方既人成個腦除左諗點樣恥笑香港叫支那之外,就係諗住做愛,sex,做愛,外遇,偷情,同人妻人夫做愛,亂倫, 強姦,迷姦,撿屍,一有時間就諗下可以點樣屌到自己個呀嫂,堂/表姐妹,女朋友/老婆嘅姊妹,或者朋友個女,朋友個孫,弱智信徒嘅弱智女、 弱智孫女,老闆屌女秘書,醫生屌女病人,偷嘢女客人主動叫處男店員屌佢同幫佢口交,老師就想同自己個學生做下愛咁,學生又諗下點屌個大波miss,再唔係就係最鍾意做愛果時拍下片,方便以後分手再要脅下個前度做多幾次分手愛,台妹最馨同條仔吵兩句嘴就馬上搵前度傾心事,傾傾下就又做愛,個前度問佢可唔可以內射,台妹搖頭說不,但最後還是被射滿滿,所以話,呢個地方真係十分淫亂。




That’s why someone said, Taiwan is truly a place full of bitches and male dogs. In addition to the idea of how sneering at Hong Kong by calling it Chi-na, the entire brains the people got in this place have nothing left inside but the thoughts of mating, sex, making love, affair, betrayal, having sex with wifes and husbands of the others, incest, rape, rohypnol and picking up corpses. 
Once getting leisure, they would be figuring out how to fuck their elder brother’s wife/cousin, bestie of girlfriend/wife, or daughter of friend, granddaughter of friend, mentally handicapped daughter of mentally handicapped believer, mentally handicapped granddaughter. There would even be a female secretary getting fucked by the boss, the doctor fucking a female patient, the female buyers who’s stealing things actively asking for sex from the male staff and giving him a blowjob. 
The teachers would have sex with their students, while the students are planning to fuck the miss with big boobs. 
Or their favorite thing to do is filming video when having sex, for easily threatening the ex to have break-up sex several more times after the relationship is done. 
Taiwan girl gets used to cry on shoulder of her ex after a little fight with her boyfriend, and then get fucked when grumbling. 
The ex asks her if he could cum inside, the taiwan girl shakes head and says no, but still gets full of cum inside eventually. 
Therefore, it is a very obsense place.